Help us raise at least $4,000 before year end to support our volunteer-led programs. Our work aims to engage and educate our community, be the active eyes and ears of our watershed, and bring opportunities for people of all ages to develop a passion for protecting the St. Vrain watershed.

St. Vrain Anglers Chapter is committed to the Trout Unlimited mission of protecting the places we love to fish. We want to make sure our beloved fisheries on the St Vrain watershed remain healthy for many years in the future. 

You have always supported the work of this chapter generously.  Last year, your contributions had tremendous impact as we adapted to our changing environment.  This year your donation will further our efforts to establish long-term protections for our watershed, forests, and trout fisheries.

Thank you for your stewardship of St. Vrain Creek and watershed. Your grassroots efforts inspire volunteers throughout our chapter to make a difference for healthy waters.